Demonic Destination

Question: What are the different types of Demons and their roles?  Can a Demon possess someone without their consent and control them with its powers?


You need to give your permission to be controlled and possessed by Demons!

That would be the worst decision of your life!

It is clear from the Words of Jesus to Satan and Demons, that it will end up in your destruction!


Question: Do Angels and Demons exist?  If so, what is  their relationship with each other?

To begin to try to put the various elements into place regarding Angels and Demons, for understanding, it is necessary to ask why there are “good” and “bad” Angels.  It is clear that evil and good exists in the world; even devout Atheists concede that point.

The servants of Satan are called in the KJV of the Bible “devils”; but the correct translation from the Hebrew and Greek is “Demons”.  So, why are they free at present to work against human kind; and especially Christians?  It is clear that they possess people as is evidenced in Mark 1:32, and many references in the New Testament (NT).  It is also clear that they were troubled when Jesus was near to them, and that He had superiority over them, even in His flesh state, (Luke 8:26-34).  This is highlighted by their plea not to be sent to “the deep” (the abyss=Greek Abussos); which is where Satan and his Angels will be for the duration of the Millennial!

To try to understand the difference between the latter group (Satan’s Demons) above, and the Angels in prison; it is necessary that an understanding and acceptance of Dispensations (Age times, or Administrations, ministries or messages;1Cor.12:5) of God is needed. For example, the dealings of God with His Created human kind at the beginning of the Bible, is not the same all the way through to Revelation; but, the theme of Salvation in the Christ of God “Jesus” is!



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